MCB works by layoffs caused by the flow of electricity over the use of electromagnet / bimetal. MCB workings of this is to utilize the heat expansion of the bimetallic effect to determine the current flowing electric current. MCB capacity in units of Amperes (A), capacity MCB from 1A, 2A, 4A, 6A, 10A, 16A, 20A, 25A, 32A, etc.. MCB is used must have the SNI logo on the MCB
How to know the maximum power of the MCB is by multiplying the capacity of the MCB with 220v (voltage common in Indonesia).
6A MCB had the capacity to withstand the power of:
6A x 220v = 1200 Watts
Some usability MCB:
1. Limiting Use of Electricity
2. Turn off power when a short circuit occurs (shorted)
3. Securing Electrical Installation
4. Divide the house into some electrical parts, making it easier to detect damage to electrical installations
How to determine the cause of MCB fall
how to touch the white part of the MCB, whether hot or not.
A. If not hot,
there is the possibility of installing a shorting, shorting is usually when the installation who has improved, the MCB can be switched directly. If after a few minutes MCB is still not start again, meaning that the MCB is damaged
A. if the heat
MCB indicates that excess weight in a long time, wait several minutes just to turn on the MCB, usually when directly in turn, MCB will go down again, this is caused by a bimetal which expands and takes time to get back into shape. If after a few minutes, the MCB is still not start, meaning that the MCB is damaged